Leave to Land: The Kitchener Camp Rescue, 1939
A new mobile exhibition created from a unique cooperative venture between family archivists & formal archivists.
Tickets inc. kosher lunch, talks, workshops, and lovely people!
Come and spend time with us on this remarkable day to commemorate 80 years since the rescue of our fathers and grandfathers to Britain in 1939.
Hope to see you there!
The costs of creating the exhibition, and of room hire at the Jewish Museum, have now pretty much been covered with incredible generosity by Kitchener descendants, their families, and our friends.
If you’d still like to donate, our crowdfunding page remains open at the following link:
Any funds raised in excess of those needed to create the exhibition will be donated to the Wiener Library – to help pay for future Kitchener project costs and towards sending the exhibition to institutions involved in Holocaust education.
With thanks to the Association of Jewish Refugees for their financial support, as ever, in the form of a grant towards half our exhibition costs.