Vienna Memorial

We have been sent some information about a website that might be of interest to families with origins in Austria.

On the website is a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page. There are instructions here on how to ascertain whether the name of a relative or other relevant person is included among over 65,000 names that will be engraved on the walls of the memorial.

There are also instructions for what to do if a name is not included.

There is a definition used by the DÖW for deciding which names are to be included.

Attention is also drawn to the website page headed “The Names”.

The names were gathered as part of an assignment by the Austrian Government in 1995 – by the Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichischen Widerstandes, also known as the DÖW (Documentation Archive of the Austrian Resistance). This is an institute for historical research. It took the DÖW twelve years to complete the task. The names are held in a DÖW database.

The preparatory work – which is required at the Ostarrichi Park site before construction can begin – has been underway for several months. It is hoped that the memorial will be completed by September 2020. The public inauguration should take place in October 2020. Further news will be posted on the memorial website.

With best regards

Initiator of the Shoah Wall of Names Memorial in Vienna