For an update on the Timeline, please see the end of this post. And I’ve just finished the first batch of research for our list of names…
This letter (below) has now been translated by one of our very kind Kitchener descendants and can be viewed in the Letters section for Walter Brill.
On the subject of translations, we also need some items in Hebrew translated into English. If you have Hebrew language skills and would be happy to help one of our descendant families, please can you get in touch with us, in the first instance, using the contact page.

Finally for today – I have been using the Minutes of meetings of the Council for German Jewry, largely from 1938 to 1939, to add to the scope of the Timeline. As well as the general history of such summaries, I have attempted to add in the events and decisions that are of particular relevance to Kitchener camp, the Berlin ORT, and the Pioneer Corps. I still have some work to add to the later months, but it’s a decent start, I hope.
My apologies – it is probably in a bit of a mess at the moment, because I’ve not yet had time to proofread it. However, the basics are now in place for anyone who wants to gain a better understanding of how these events mesh with one another. It’s long, as timelines go, but I hope the format will help clarify ‘what’ happened ‘when’.
I still have the period from 1940 to 1942 to cover, but that will have to wait until I can get back to the archives. I am aiming to cover to the point at which the refugees were given the opportunity to change their names to English ones, and when those in the Pioneer Corps were given the opportunity to change to a different unit, and to change their service numbers.