We have heard that a number of Kitchener descendants at the summer meeting in Sandwich didn’t manage to get hold of a copy of the local write-up of our visit. Luckily, one of the group did get a newspaper and has recently emailed me the article. I have posted it below.
I have not included the group photograph that was placed just above the article because this would mean getting the permission of everyone who was in the picture, which isn’t really practical.

Kindly submitted by Vivien Harris on behalf of the Kitchener Descendants Group
We continue to receive an extraordinary level of support and generosity from people and groups all over the world. We can’t type or upload fast enough to keep up with the material coming in, which is an amazing position to be in.
We also continue to receive kind support from related groups, including recently World ORT, who have posted up news of the site to try to help us reach the ORT ‘boys’ (and their families) who were in Kitchener for a short time; and the Association of Jewish Ex-servicemen and women (AJEX), who may be able to help us reach Kitchener Pioneers.
Finally, HOB (Hitachdut Olei Britannia), the Israel Association of British Immigrants, has just been in touch to say they will put out the word for us; Manchester Reform Synagogue (among others) is doing the same; and quite a large number of archives have checked the site and will be allowing us to upload materials without charge.
We must take a moment, then, to thank everyone who is giving their time and resources so generously to this Kitchener camp project. It started with a small group gathering, and is slowly but surely growing to include many families and organisations around the world – because of the generous and enthusiastic support for what we are trying to achieve among us.
And the biggest thank you goes to our fellow descendant families who have put their trust in the project to help us get started. It would be nothing without your contributions – and we honour them all.
As mentioned previously, if anyone wishes to attend this year’s AJEX parade, and wants to do so in company, please get in touch. We will post some photographs on our return so that Kitchener families globally can participate in this special day of remembrance. Please note – anyone wishing to attend must be pre-registered
To families – however large or small the amount of information you have – even if it’s just a name – please do get in touch. If you only have a more recent photograph to put to a name, that would also be lovely. It’s so much more personal and meaningful to be able to put a face to a name. Families sending in information may remain anonymous if they wish to do so
You can read the memories/histories, or view the documents, letters, and photographs by using the drop down menus. If you wish to view the Photographs, for instance, there is a drop down menu of the men’s names – just click on a name and you will be able to view their pictures
I hope it’s simple enough to use, but if you’re having problems, please let me know. Sometimes what seems obvious in the design isn’t that obvious in the use …
A special remembrance day – 2018
Next year, 2018, marks a key anniversary for the end of World War One. After this, authorities will be reviewing formal State Remembrance activities
Therefore, next year may well be our last opportunity to honour the service of our fathers and grandfathers in a public ceremony
In conversation with AJEX today, they have suggested that if there is a group of Kitchener/Pioneer descendants, we may join in the parade as a group in memory our fathers and grandfathers. Their medals may be worn (on the right-hand side) if wished. AJEX would provide us a named banner for our group
If descendants would like to participate as a group, please let us know. There is a special seated area where relatives may simply observe the parade if that is preferred. There is also a very kind invitation to attend an afternoon tea after the parade
London – November 2018 – please get in touch if you would like to be involved
We have written for a couple of weeks now about the military involvement of the Kitchener men: many of them joined the Pioneer Corps in late 1939 and 1940
However, around 600 Kitchener men, for various reasons, did not join the Pioneer Corps, and as soon as we start to get the histories and documents for these men, we will start to add in the research for these other important outcomes
Because we have so much research to get through over the next 12 months or so, we are simply taking issues as they arise in the materials being sent in
Please help us to gain the full picture by getting in touch to send in your images and family histories – we’d love to hear from all our fellow Kitchener families