The opening of the Kitchener camp exhibition was held at the Jewish Museum, London, on 1st September 2019.
This new mobile exhibition is called Leave to Land: The Kitchener Camp Rescue, 1939 – and we hope it will soon start to travel far and wide.
The next stage is the donation of the exhibition materials to the Wiener Library in London – and it should arrive there tomorrow.
If you know of a local institution or museum that would like to host the Kitchener exhibition, please apply to the Wiener Library as shown at the following link:
If you have a good image from the day that you would like me to upload, please email it to me. I may not be able to upload everything, depending on how much comes in, but I’ll do my best to give a good sense of the day.

Uploaded with the kind permission of the Jewish Telegraph
Image kindly submitted by Simon Phillips, British ORT
The Guardian article by Harriet Sherwood
The sponsors of the plaque in Sandwich – the AJR – have put together some photographs and a write-up here:
The Leave to Land exhibition has four sections – the ten exhibition banners, a Kitchener Times mock-up of a newspaper, a plan of the camp, and a digital section.
This Kitchener newspaper was produced in a tough – hopefully un-tearable – material. It consists of family images, in the same way the banners were created, with text edited from original articles published in newspapers in Germany, Britain, and Belgium from 1939 and 1940, which are now out of copyright.
The translations of the non-English language texts were very kindly produced by Kitchener descendants.
I think creating the newspaper was my favourite part of pulling the exhibition together – it was fascinating.
I think we’d all have loved to keep a copy, but sadly these are expensive to produce and were funded in the same way as the banners – to be part of the exhibition.

Leave to Land exhibition banners
The lighting wasn’t good for photographs, I’m so sorry to say, but others may have better images that I can add.
Following the general image of each banner, I have added the main ‘historical information’ sections, so you can get a good sense of what each one is about.
As usual across the website, if you click on an image, it will enlarge for ease of reading.
There was a digital section to the exhibition as well. This contains many more family photographs and documents.
With over 70 high-resolution slides, however, it’s not possible to upload all these to a page of the website, or it simply won’t load.
We will be trying to find some kind of resolution over the next few weeks.
In the meantime, you might like to see the following few slides about what the Kitchener men had to bring with them, which I was fascinated to receive information on, from Kitchener author Clare Ungerson.