Born: Preußisch, Friedland/Debrzno, Prussia/Poland, 1 January 1900
Profession in country of origin: Dress designer
Arrived in Britain as a refugee from Germany on 20 April 1939
Male enemy alien - Exemption from internment - Refugee Surname: Gross Forename: Georg Alias: - Date and place of birth: 01/01/1900 in Preußisch Friedland [ed. now Debrzno] Nationality: German Police Regn. Cert. No.: 710815 Home Office ref: C188 Address: Kitchener camp, Richborough, Sandwich, Kent Normal occupation: Clerk Present occupation: Name and address of employer: - Decision of tribunal: Exempted "C" & 9A Date 06.10.1939 Whether exempted from Article 6(A): Yes Whether desires to be repatriated: No Richborough Camp Tribunal 6
Source: National Archives, Home Office: Aliens Department: Internees Index, 1939-1947.
Editor’s note: We are not allowed to reproduce National Archives (UK) images, but we are permitted to reproduce the material from them, as shown above.
Born 1 January 1900 in Preußisch Friedland, Westpreußen
Moved to Berlin in 1906
Occupation in country of origin and in England: dress designer
Last work/home address in country of origin: 20 Schlesische Straße, Berlin
Rescued from Berlin by Quakers; taken to safety at Kitchener Camp; arrived on 20 April 1939
Died 15 August 1960 in Soho, London
Note: his internment certificate states his occupation as ‘Clerk’ although the Kitchener enumeration states his occupation as ‘Designer and cutter of ladies’ wear’. He always referred to himself as ‘Dress designer’.
His mother, Helene Seelig
Born 22 January 1874 in Berlin
Deported from Berlin on 24 October 1941 to Lodz ghetto with son Theodor Groß
Helene died 4 November 1941 in Lodz ghetto
Theodor was murdered on 4 May 1942 in Kulmhof/Chelmno extermination camp
Georg’s wife, Klara Elfriede Dahl (Andresen). Married name Friedl Groß
Born 8 January 1916 in Frankfurt-am-Main
Last address in country of origin: Spichernstraße 8, Köln
Married Georg Groß 1 March 1951 in Hampstead, London
Died 7 May 2001 in Shepherd’s Bush, London
Willy Groß, possibly a cousin of Georg’s
Born 25 September 1903 in Preußisch Friedland
Son of Casper and Minna Gross
Last known address Brunnerstraße 9, Preußisch Friedland
Occupation Butcher
Deported to Sachsenhausen concentration camp
Arrived UK 31 August 1939
Recorded in 1939 Register at Kitchener camp
Husband of Johanna of Kilburn NW6; Willy unmarried on arrival in UK
Enlisted Pioneer Corps 21 December 1939; service number 13800494
Died 16 May 1942
Buried Darlington West Cemetery, sec S.6K Grave 3
Information submitted by Helen Martins for her father, Georg Groß
Additional note from family:
For a while I had thought that Willy (sometimes spelled Willi/Willie) was one of my dad’s brothers. In recent months, I’ve decided that he is not. As a toddler, I was aware of a Tante Hannah, and I’ve found out during the last few months that she was married to Willy. The more recent documentation shows that he was born in the same place as my dad, but to different parents, with same surname Groß. I think/hope it is safe to speculate that he was my dad’s cousin. This is the most up-do-date information I have collected for him.

Photographs submitted by Helen Martins, for her father, Georg Groß