Born: Lauenburg, Germany, 1 November 1905
Occupation in country of origin: Corn merchant/salesman
Arrived in Britain as a refugee from Germany in May 1939
Male enemy alien - Exemption from internment - Refugee Surname: Czarlinski Forename: Julius Alias: - Date and place of birth: 01/11/1905 in Lauenburg Nationality: German Police Regn. Cert. No.: 711588 Home Office ref: C720 Address: Kitchener camp, Richborough, Sandwich, Kent Normal occupation: Salesman Present occupation: Name and address of employer: - Decision of tribunal: Exempted "C" Date 20.10.1939 Whether exempted from Article 6(A): yes Whether desires to be repatriated: No Richborough Camp Tribunal 3
Source: National Archives, Home Office: Aliens Department: Internees Index, 1939-1947.
Editor’s note: We are not allowed to reproduce National Archives (UK) images, but we are permitted to reproduce the material from them, as shown above.
A local group, ‘Daughters of Israel’ interviewed Julius’s wife Ruth on 10 December 2009. This is a short extract from that interview, created by Winston Brill and uploaded with the permission of the family; it describes Julius’s escape via Kitchener camp.
Reproduced here with the kind permission of Ingrid Anzis, niece of John Carter – previously Julius Czarlinski.
Other pertinent details in the interview include the following (summarised in an email from Winston Brill, 2018):
Ruth was born on 21 January 1917. She smuggled in her clothes some money and jewellery, which she managed to keep during the war. She smuggled these valuables with her when she came to England. She used some of the money from them for her husband to purchase a car for business when they came to the USA.
Julius / John and Ruth Carter left for New York from Southampton on 29 October 1948, on board the MS Batory, which was part of the Gdynia America Line. They were two of 285 passengers on board (source: Passenger Lists leaving UK 1890-1960, British National Archives).
Ruth had a very difficult life, hiding during the war, not seeing her husband for six years, losing a child, and having a husband who was very sickly for many years. Winston observes: “She sure was a good baker, though!”
Email from Winston Brill to Pioneer Corps archivist, 2018
“Clare Weissenberg recommended that I contact you. I am writing a document about my parents escaping Nazi Germany. Also, Clare might be interested in the material for her website on Kitchener Camp that includes my father but has no information on his friend, below.
My father, Walter Brill, was in the Pioneer Corps from Kitchener Camp. I just found out yesterday that my father was quite friendly with Julius Czarlinski (born 1 November 1905), another Pioneer Corpsman. Julius later changed his name to John Carter. They both, with their wives, left England for the United States. The two families were close. Years after my mother passed away, my father lived his last eight years with Ruth Carter. If it weren’t for Kitchener Camp, my father wouldn’t have known Ruth (Julius’ widow). Before listening to a CD of Ruth being interviewed when she was 93 (she died at age 99, about two years ago), I did not know her deceased husband had changed his name to Carter, nor that he was in Kitchener, nor that he was very friendly with my father at Kitchener. I have a photo of my father and someone sitting on a bunk in a Kitchener hut. Might that person be Julius/John? Do you have a photo of Julius? Thank you for any information.”
“Dear Winston
When Julius enlisted he was given the service number 13800009. All “Aliens” were given a number prefixed 1380. It was then realised that if they were captured they would easily be recognised as an Alien probably German or Austrian so they were given the option of receiving a new service number and also, if they wished, they could change their name. He was given the number 13041460 and as you say changed his name to John Carter.
Unfortunately we do not have an individual photo of him but if you can let me know in which Company he served we might have a Company photo.”
With the kind assistance of Winston Brill – one of the three sons of Walter Brill, who are mentioned in Ruth’s recording.

With the kind permission of Ingrid Anzis, niece of John Carter – previously Julius Czarlinski