Above, Edgar Sonneberg was known as ‘Sonny Boy’. In Ungerson’s account he is a ‘refugee accountant’ (2014, p. 53); according to the 1939 Register, he was a bank manager in Germany. Born in 1886 in Frankfurt am Main, he was 53 years of age in 1939, and married to Nellie Sonneberg. Nellie was a kindergarten teacher, also born in Frankfurt am Main, in 1900. According to the British National Archives records, Edgar Sonneberg was ‘Chief Clerk in the Camp Registration Department.’ His tribunal was held on 3rd October. Nellie is listed as being ‘Superintendent of Camp’ and she also underwent her tribunal process on 3rd October. Neither Sonneberg seems to have been interned.
Phineas May, one of the two brothers who ran Kitchener Camp (he was ‘Sports and Recreation Officer’, according to the 1939 Register), mentions Edgar Sonneberg in his diary entry for Sunday, 19 February 1939: https://kitchenercamp.co.uk/research/phineas-may-kitchener-camp-diary-1939/

Above, there are too many men with the initials ‘JL’ to be certain who this might have been written by, but perhaps it is most likely to have been Julian Layton, given the context of the article.
I have been unable to find out who ‘EWK’ is. If you know – please do get in touch.

Dining in Kitchener Camp

“Training for trades”

Extract, Map by Walter Marmorek, Camp architect; original held at the Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust, London